• AVANT 800 Series

The flagship of the range, Avant 800 series pushes the limits of a compact loader.  It has more lift height and capacity than ever before. It reaches all the way to tall mixer feeder wagons and can load a truck from one side to the far edge – no need to drive around the truck when loading.

Lift capacity 1900 kg

Lift height 3.5 m

Engine power 49-57 hp

Drive speed 26-30 km/h

New vibration insulated and low-noise level GT cab available as an option

Greater reach with Avant’s signature telescopic boom

Optidrive™ drive circuit gives more power for the drive and hydraulic attachments.

Available Models

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For all enquiries and to book a demo call Rob on 07891 306456 or email robjnr@apsv.co.uk



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