Covid-19…….doing our bit
Having not written a blog post for some time, we felt we must address what everyone is talking about…. Covid-19.
Who knew 2020 would change our lives quite as much as it has done so far, and who knows what changes are around the corner.
Businesses have and are under extreme pressure to close their doors and cease trading for the time being in order to protect staff, customers and the wider public in the UK.
Our aim is to provide you with the same great service but whilst practising social distancing and working from home where possible to slow the spread down.
These are all things that every business is trying to deliver, but at APSV & GPSV we have been able to go one step further, we have provided some much needed equipment in the form of tents, Hazmat suits and face masks to Local NHS staff, carers for the elderly and vulnerable, local doctors surgeries and hospital trusts.
Due to the severity of the virus local frontline workers are being put at risk, as are the people they are caring for because protective clothing and masks are in such short supply. We feel grateful that we have been able to provide these people and services with the equipment which will hopefully enable them to continue to do the incredible jobs they do to protect and care for the rest of us.

A local NHS worker collecting some Hazmat suits to deliver to the Morecambe Bay NHS Trust Hospitals at Lancaster, Kendal & Barrow.

One of our tents set up at Bentham Medical Centre for doctors and nurses to be able to access patients away from the main surgery.